Software Development Workflows

Gitflow Workflow vs. Trunk-based development: A true story in a startup

This is my story about how I stumbled upon Trunk-based development through the Atlassian pages. Seated in a real situation where I had to give advice to my team on how to handle branching, development, testing, and releasing. You will read about what thought process went through while evaluating the Atlassian page about Trunk-based development, […]

Hard Skills Software Development

The correct way to write conditional expressions

(isItTrue == false) !== (false == isItTrue) I have been programming for more than a decade, but it never occurred to me that there would be a good and a wrong way of writing a conditional expression. For example, if you write an if statement, would you think that it matters how you order a […]

Hard Skills Software Development

My WordPress Development Environment on M1 Mac / Apple Silicon (using docker)

How to set up a WordPress development environment on Apple Silicon, using Docker, that is easy to set up and maintain? Read more …

Soft Skills

Code reuse and personality types. How do they connect?

Today I am going to continue refreshing my knowledge on React JS. Here is the previous article, where we left off. As I am following along the Pluralsight course, the next topic is about code reuse. If you are new to programming, this topic is extremely important. If you are working as a programmer for […]

Hard Skills

I am re-learning React JS after using it for almost two years professionally.

React JS, for me, is the choice of front-end library; I am using daily to build web applications since the beginning of 2019. Before that, I was using the original Angular JS or Angular 1 for 3 years, and before that, I used jQuery for a year.  I feel very comfortable using React JS, but […]

Software Development

Why did I chose programming

Most of the students face an important question before they finish high school. Which profession to chose and why. I was no different, but I had a passion. Read more, why did I choose Computer Science.

Software Development

Before I started learning Programming!

This is my pre-university story, Beginning from the time when I first saw and become hypnotized by a computer.

Hard Skills

DotNet Core Domain Redirect Custom Middleware

A few days ago, I was asked to create a custom middleware, that can redirect from one domain to another from code, in an core 3 application. In this article, we are going to recreate that middleware step by step.

Hard Skills

Starting with Terraform as a Software Developer – Part 2

After learning the basics of Terraform from the tutorial, I wanted to know more. What else can it do, and how can I utilize those features in my projects. Having experience with other programming languages, I suspected there are other features, and I went hungry for it. The Cans and Cants in Terraform After poking […]

Hard Skills

Starting with Terraform as a Software Developer – Part 1

Useful Tips for Software Developers Starting Out with Terraform.