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Taking courses on Node.js again

Sidenote on my health situation Note: you can skip to the next section if you are not interested in this painful topic. It is on Friday, at 3 AM. I must be honest; my main focus right now is handling the pain I have in my big right toe because I had surgery on it […]

Quick Updates

As a Senior programmer, I am taking the Junior path again.

In the past couple of weeks I realized that I lost the habit of learning and growing as a programmer. The world moves quickly and working with new technologies can make someone less competitive. That is why I decided to bring back my Junior mindset, and keep learning as a habbit again.

Quick Updates

How did the office working styles change for Programmers? Is remote work with traveling the new norm?

I have worked as a programmer since 2012, and I experienced many office working styles in the past decade. Office work, remote, mixed, and traveling. Working and studying on-site When I started working in 2012, I was still at university, and I had to manage to go to classes and, after classes, go to the […]

Software Development Workflows

Gitflow Workflow vs. Trunk-based development: A true story in a startup

This is my story about how I stumbled upon Trunk-based development through the Atlassian pages. Seated in a real situation where I had to give advice to my team on how to handle branching, development, testing, and releasing. You will read about what thought process went through while evaluating the Atlassian page about Trunk-based development, […]

Software Development

Why did I chose programming

Most of the students face an important question before they finish high school. Which profession to chose and why. I was no different, but I had a passion. Read more, why did I choose Computer Science.

Software Development

Before I started learning Programming!

This is my pre-university story, Beginning from the time when I first saw and become hypnotized by a computer.