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How did the office working styles change for Programmers? Is remote work with traveling the new norm?

I have worked as a programmer since 2012, and I experienced many office working styles in the past decade. Office work, remote, mixed, and traveling.

Working and studying on-site

When I started working in 2012, I was still at university, and I had to manage to go to classes and, after classes, go to the office to work. In addition, I had two timetables to manage and to fit both work and studies into my single calendar.

After graduation, at various jobs

After I graduated in 2013 and became a full-time employee, my days were very similar. I woke up, got ready for work, and went to work in the office each day. At the end of the day, I got home, tired and with little personal time left. I could only work from home when I was very sick and did not want to take off days.

Freelancer life

It was like that until I started working as a freelancer at the beginning of 2019, a little more than a year before the Covid lockdown in Hungary was a thing. That year, I worked full-time from home and went twice to the office for the entire year.

Before Covid came, finding projects where I could work remotely was not easy.

Covid and remote work

After 2019, during the pandemic, remote work became a norm, and most of the developers were not even allowed to go to the office because of the lockdown. It has become very convenient and time-saving since it allows us to save time for our personal life. It saves time previously spent on commuting and allows us to get some rest between meetings when we cannot do work.

Remote with occasional travel

As of 2023, the working style has started to change, at least for me. I am still working from home most of the time, but I have to travel more and more. Apparently, I have to visit the main office in Germany every six weeks, and we go to Budapest every three months. In the past three weeks, I had the most travel in a row. The first week I was away for four days, the second week for three days, and the third week for two days. I can see these events becoming more frequent when more teamwork is needed for big challenges.

So, it becomes a combination of before Covid and Covid style of work. Mostly remote, but occasionally involves traveling. Probably it is normal for most of you, but for me and for most of my friends and colleagues, it is a new experience.

Adjusting to the new working style

When you are on the road and in hotels, spending time on non-travel-related activities and following a routine becomes challenging. Some examples include spending time on personal activities like working out, working around the house, and on any personal projects.

Have a nomad package ready

Working on personal projects and having some relaxing activities are possible, but first, I have to get used to the amount of time spent traveling and the evenings in the Hotels. Going out every night with colleagues after work is something that needs to be taken into account.

Since I cannot bring my big monitors and my console and I cannot work out in my usual place, I must make a nomad package for myself, and I have to find alternative activities. It is not just the tools but also the mindset to get to the flow when working with a limited workspace and time on the go. The one thing that cannot be done is housework and family events, but hobby projects and play time (with Nintendo or a gaming laptop/handheld) are possible. Working out is also possible by finding a local gym, or running and touring new places is also an option.

Traveling is manageable

Traveling is mostly manageable, and this style of working is something that I can see becoming a norm for the next few years, at least in the IT sector.

I wonder if you noticed similar changes in the past couple of years, and what are your experiences with working styles? Is it just me who experienced it that way, or do you have a similar experience as well?

Thanks for reading 🙂

If you have a few minutes, please share your opinions and experiences in the comment section below or send them to me privately if that is something you prefer.

By Botond Bertalan

I love programming and architecting code that solves real business problems and gives value for the end-user.

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