Quick Updates

Write on your blog regularly

If you want to start blogging regularly and procrastinate like me, you might want to read this article to quick-start your blogging process. I am writing for myself almost every day. Most of the days, I end up writing about two things for myself. What do I want to learn to make myself a better […]

Quick Updates

The Future is Now

A few days ago, I was thinking about how the future would work for me? Lately, I started to say that the future is now, and all I got is the now. So if I want to make it work in the future, all of my dreams, all of my wishes and goals have to […]

Quick Updates

Why would I learn xUnit for .Net Core?

Everyone faces challenges with code quality and unit testing. I am not different either. Here is how the business realized the need for code quality and the need for x unit in this case. This is my story of …

Soft Skills

Code reuse and personality types. How do they connect?

Today I am going to continue refreshing my knowledge on React JS. Here is the previous article, where we left off. As I am following along the Pluralsight course, the next topic is about code reuse. If you are new to programming, this topic is extremely important. If you are working as a programmer for […]

Hard Skills

I am re-learning React JS after using it for almost two years professionally.

React JS, for me, is the choice of front-end library; I am using daily to build web applications since the beginning of 2019. Before that, I was using the original Angular JS or Angular 1 for 3 years, and before that, I used jQuery for a year.  I feel very comfortable using React JS, but […]

Software Development

Why did I chose programming

Most of the students face an important question before they finish high school. Which profession to chose and why. I was no different, but I had a passion. Read more, why did I choose Computer Science.

Software Development

Before I started learning Programming!

This is my pre-university story, Beginning from the time when I first saw and become hypnotized by a computer.

Hard Skills

DotNet Core Domain Redirect Custom Middleware

A few days ago, I was asked to create a custom middleware, that can redirect from one domain to another from code, in an core 3 application. In this article, we are going to recreate that middleware step by step.

Hard Skills

Starting with Terraform as a Software Developer – Part 2

After learning the basics of Terraform from the tutorial, I wanted to know more. What else can it do, and how can I utilize those features in my projects. Having experience with other programming languages, I suspected there are other features, and I went hungry for it. The Cans and Cants in Terraform After poking […]

Hard Skills

Starting with Terraform as a Software Developer – Part 1

Useful Tips for Software Developers Starting Out with Terraform.