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2023.10.26  – Updates

Yesterday was an interesting day. My wife and I decided to take action and start working on online sales. We will look at Etsy first as an online web shop opportunity.

As a consequence, I bought two iPad Pros with 2 TB SSD. Okay, I just ordered it, not yet paid for it. I hope it will be a helpful tool to realize our dreams.

I also replaced my old Samsung phone and watch with Apple products. All of them are expensive toys, but these gave me motivation to act on my dreams.

My wife will focus on getting this Etsy thing to work. She will be the marketing brain behind it, and I will do the technical parts, finance it, and be the company behind it.

Also, I will focus on bringing a steady income into the company for now, so we have some money to invest in this Etsy online sales journey.

What I can do is to keep working and learning. Also, working with my wife on this new journey.

On my end, the real plan is to actually act on the plan that I wrote down so many times.

  1. Refresh my knowledge of the tools I am using every day for work. So I can be at my peek performance, and I can go on interviews with more confidence when the time comes if needed.
  2. Learn things that will be used to make my blog unique, where I can practice writing code for myself, not just for other companies. There is a difference. First, I want to be able to modify my WordPress blog.
  3. Building new assets, like web templates, applets / widgets, making photos, and to sell them online to have some income to invest it.
  4. Making a web shop where I can sell merch.

And I will blog about all of this.

It won’t be only a technical blog anymore. I will blog about business as I am learning, also how I make design assets. Drawings, photos, web designs, etc.

It will be a journey for a long time. More than a decade, as I can see it. Most likely, I will make a lot of mistakes, and my design assets will be worse than a 5-year-old would do.

Once we find something that works, we will focus on investing the money we can save up.

I only wish that I will be able to keep up the focus long enough that it will be worth it.

If you want to support me in this journey and you want to see how things are going, please leave a comment once in a while and ask for those updated blog posts.

I have no routine, nor do I know what will work and how much time and energy I can save up for this. But I want to give my best to it.

See you soon.

By Botond Bertalan

I love programming and architecting code that solves real business problems and gives value for the end-user.

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