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Programmer discovers its biggest inner struggle

It is Sunday night and I am struggling doing anything, so I decided I will go and write on my blog. This will not be an educational article, nor a giving of advice. Not even a fun reading. It will be a reflection of what a mess I have in myself as a 34 years […]

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Will it be different this time

It does not seem like, but I started this blog around 8 years ago. I always wanted to create something professional, something fancy, big. If you look at the state of this website it is clear that it did not happen. There is a lot of reason. For one, I always wanted this website to […]

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Taking courses on Node.js again

Sidenote on my health situation Note: you can skip to the next section if you are not interested in this painful topic. It is on Friday, at 3 AM. I must be honest; my main focus right now is handling the pain I have in my big right toe because I had surgery on it […]

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As a Senior programmer, I am taking the Junior path again.

In the past couple of weeks I realized that I lost the habit of learning and growing as a programmer. The world moves quickly and working with new technologies can make someone less competitive. That is why I decided to bring back my Junior mindset, and keep learning as a habbit again.

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2023.10.26  – Updates

Yesterday was an interesting day. My wife and I decided to take action and start working on online sales. We will look at Etsy first as an online web shop opportunity. As a consequence, I bought two iPad Pros with 2 TB SSD. Okay, I just ordered it, not yet paid for it. I hope […]

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How did the office working styles change for Programmers? Is remote work with traveling the new norm?

I have worked as a programmer since 2012, and I experienced many office working styles in the past decade. Office work, remote, mixed, and traveling. Working and studying on-site When I started working in 2012, I was still at university, and I had to manage to go to classes and, after classes, go to the […]

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Since the last update, I have done more thinking

Since the last update, when I wrote about starting to take blogging more seriously and using WordPress for that, I did more thinking than actual learning or writing. ChatGPT and Open AI There were a few topics on my mind. One of them was how Open AI / ChatGPT will affect the programmer’s future and […]

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My struggle with quantity over quality, reflected in creating content for the web and using PHP for WordPress

I have had this website for a few years now, but I have only a few articles up. As a programmer/developer/software engineer / etc., I always felt that I would need a website for myself. I built many applications and websites for other companies, but I never took the time and effort to build something […]

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Write on your blog regularly

If you want to start blogging regularly and procrastinate like me, you might want to read this article to quick-start your blogging process. I am writing for myself almost every day. Most of the days, I end up writing about two things for myself. What do I want to learn to make myself a better […]

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The Future is Now

A few days ago, I was thinking about how the future would work for me? Lately, I started to say that the future is now, and all I got is the now. So if I want to make it work in the future, all of my dreams, all of my wishes and goals have to […]