Hard Skills

XSD to C# Model for XMLSerializer with xsd.exe

Today I just faced a situation where I have got a huge XSD library to use for service integration. Because I suspected it won’t be a small task to write by myself and honestly I never had to do this before I started to look for an automated solution. Being a lazy programmer and having […]

Quick Updates

Windows 7 stucked update solution

I had a “small” issue for a week when I reinstalled my old windows 7 laptop. It was all ok, except it did not want to install updates. Nor skype or similar things. At first, I got errors in the c++ redistribution library. (Here is the solution, to install it follow the steps from below.) […]

Hard Skills

JavaScript VS C# ( Google distance API )

To use Google’s DistanceMatrix API and do some calculations with JavaScript is easy. Try the same with C#! Nice, quick, and dirty. Start with JavaScript I was (and I am still) playing with a code that can do some math based on a distance between 2 locations. Because Google supports JavaScript it is really easy […]